Bihl House Show, March 2007
Most artworks on the site appeared at my solo show at the Bihl House in March, 2007. Here, Sylvie the Sea Serpent, Sirena, a flying bird and the Green Monkey join Elmer in a romp around the room. Trees are hung on bamboo armatures; flowers are recycled plastics. Sylvie's skeleton is actually rebar and concrete from the old McDonald's near downtown San Antonio.
birds at Bihl House
"Birds Ascending" took full advantage of the 18 foot ceiling of the historic Bihl House. Birds are made of various faux fur, yarn and felt, all on wire armatures.
Display at Children's Museum, 2007
Elmer, Lafcadio, Sloth and an unnamed egret took up residence in a jungley corner of the San Antonio Children's Museum after their Bihl House debut. Ali Gator and a giraffe were stationed in another area.
Equine: Curiosity. Fiber Artists of San Antonio's Annual Show, 2006
This was done for the Fiber Artists of San Antonio's Annual Show in 2006. It won the Warrior Artist Award. It stands 18 inches tall, and is based on bamboo, with found and reclaimed thread and fibers. Aliminum hoofs, leather, and my first felted piece are included in its design. Dried asparagus plant forms the tail. The head is made of Pacific Coast driftwood and has three eyes, but only two are always visible.
Leap at Southwest School of Art and Craft, 2005
First rabbit in a long planned series of rabbits-in-action, this piece was actually inspired a sea creature I was working on. It has a copper hanging structure and velvet feet.
Gemsbox at Fiber Artists of San Antonio Annual Show, 2005
This piece was finished after two year's planning and construction. Various fibers used, flaps hide jewelry box that opens, with velvet walls and scraps of African fabrics inside. Cantilevered neck really made the artwork work. Horns are textured bamboo, armature is a secret; thanks to Tom's ancestors for their contribution!